报告1题目:Past and Future Directions of Agriculture Research from an Engineering Perspective
报告人:美国农业部农业研究局粮食与动物健康研究中心、Paul Armstrong 研究员。
报告2题目:Rice grain quality instrumentation Research
报告人:美国农业部农业研究局粮食与动物健康研究中心、农业工程师Elizabeth Maghirang女士。
Paul Armstrong是美国农业部农业研究局粮食与动物健康中心,储粮品质和虫害检测工程研究中心研究员。于1989年在美国密西根州立大学获博士学位,于1995年-2002年工作于美国顶级生物科技公司Bioworks, 致力于水果无损检测在线装备研制。2002年加入美国农业部,从事谷物品质检测的相关传感器和装备研发,特别是基于近红外光谱检测的玉米、大豆、小麦等谷物的单粒化学组分快速、精细检测传感装备。
The challenges to feed the world’s population which is expected to plateau at approximately 9.5 billion, leads to many challenges in providing increased and sustainable agricultural production. The role of engineers involved with agriculture will be many and will require collaborations with many disciplines that include agronomists, plant breeders, geneticists, hydrologists, environmentalists, other engineers, and the primary producers or farmers. Development of sensing systems to measure attributes of growing crops, harvested crops and processed products will continue to be important. Mechanization and automation of cropping systems will provide more intense and efficient production with less food waste. Research undertaken by Dr. Armstrong will be presented and will illustrate the transition of research ideas to useful products. This will encompass both horticultural and cereal grains agricultural. Also presented will be a brief introduction of the private and public agricultural research structure within the United States.
世界人口预计将保持在大约95亿左右的稳定水平,为养活世界人口提供更多和可持续的农业生产方面带来了许多挑战。农业的方方面面都需要工程师的参与,而且需要与多个学科合作,包括农学家、植物育种家、遗传学家、水文学者、环境学家、其他工程师以及农民。利用传感系统来测量作物生长、收获作物和加工产品的品质具有重要意义。种植系统的机械化和自动化将以更少的食物浪费提供更密集和高效的生产。将介绍阿姆斯特朗博士进行的研究,并说明研究思路向有用产品的转变。在本次报告中,Paul Armstrong教授将从农业工程师视角解读农业研究发展的过去与未来,农业工程师Elizabeth Maghirang将分享利用现代传感仪器进行稻米品质检测的最新研究案例和经验成果。